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Dave's Killer Bread Story

"All sorrows are less with bread." -Miguel de Cervantes

A young family asked my husband and I to house sit their home during spring break. House sitting included dog sitting, which made it way more exciting. The family had two dogs, Bennie, the French Bulldog, and Clancy, the Boxer.

We had met Bennie and Clancy many times before, and had last seen them only 3 weeks prior to our house sitting gig. But when we showed up a day early to meet the family for instructions about the house, Clancy was nowhere to be found, and Bennie looked depressed. It was the first time the two dogs hadn’t run over to greet us upon our arrival.

We didn’t think much of it at first, but every time I looked at Bennie I felt like something was wrong. We went grocery shopping that night before the family left the following day so that we could stock up on food for the week. When we returned to the house, I ran in and finally asked the mom where Clancy was. Her eyes welled up with tears. She had forgotten to tell us, or maybe subconsciously avoided the subject. Clancy had stopped eating and become very sick two weeks earlier. The vet found that Clancy had an untreatable aggressive cancer, and the family was encouraged to put Clancy down. My heart sank and I finally understood Bennie’s sadness. He had lost his best friend.

After hearing the news about Clancy, I walked outside to give Bennie a hug, and then remembered to unload our groceries. I placed our cold food in the family’s garage refrigerator, and took the dry goods upstairs to place them in the pantry before going to bed.

The next morning, I walked into the kitchen to make a bagel, but couldn’t find our Dave’s Killer Bread bagels anywhere! We asked the family if they had seen them, thinking maybe the kids had eaten them, but no one knew a thing. We gave up on the bagels, skipped breakfast, and went about our day. Bennie seemed a little happier and more himself that morning, and I was hopeful that we were distracting him from his new life without Clancy.

A few hours later, while the mom scoured the yard to finish some last minute house work before leaving, she found an empty bag of Dave’s Killer Bread Plain Awesome Bagels. She brought in the bag with paw and teeth marks and looked down at Bennie who refused direct eye contact. We all started laughing! I learned that Bennie was notorious for lying in wait while people unloaded groceries in the garage. If something was put on the garage floor, he’d sneak up and grab it while no one was looking. We realized I had put the bagels on the floor behind me with the rest of the dry goods while I was stocking the fridge, and Bennie had made off with the bagels like a bandit!

I’m convinced Bennie was eating his feelings when he devoured all 6 DKB bagels, but it was obvious that they DID make him feel a little better, as bread often does when we’re down.

So it was only fitting that Bennie help me highlight Dave’s Killer Bread and the company’s amazing design experience!

Bennie was, unfortunately, super gassy during the shoot. I tried to stay and carry on with the shots but there were so many times when I had to leave. He is the gassiest dog I know.

I focused most of my shoot on the DKB Plain Awesome Bagels (because Bennie), but there are so many great flavors of bagels and breads. I borrowed the perfect guitar from a friend (Thanks, Tim!) to spice up my product photos.

I ended up having a little fun and (trying!) to rock out with the guitar in between product shots. Clearly Bennie thought I was a natural--he was super moved by my songs.

And after putting up with all my ridiculous guitar playing, I had to share a bagel with my boy!

The End

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